Fact-Checking Policy

Welcome to DaivyaChakra, where transparency and accuracy are paramount. Our commitment to providing reliable information is supported by a rigorous fact-checking process. Below, we outline our Fact-Checking Policy to give you insight into our commitment to accuracy.

Verification Process:

We rely on Different Third-party sources, research, and reputable publications to gather information


We strive to deliver timely and up-to-date content. However, considering the dynamic nature of certain subjects, users are encouraged to verify information independently, especially if it pertains to current events or rapidly evolving topics.

Corrections and Updates:

Should any inaccuracies be identified, we are committed to promptly correcting the information. Users are encouraged to notify us of any discrepancies, and necessary corrections will be made.

User Contributions:

While user contributions, comments, or feedback are valued, they are not exempt from our fact-checking process. Information provided by users is subject to verification, and any content found to be inaccurate will be addressed accordingly.


We value transparency in our content creation process. If a piece of content includes subjective analysis or opinion, it will be clearly identified as such to distinguish it from factual information.

Contact Us:

If you have questions, or concerns, or if you identify any information that may require fact-checking, please contact us at contact@daivyachakra.com.

Thank you for entrusting DaivyaChakraas as a source of information. We appreciate your commitment to truth and accuracy.